Thursday, January 23, 2014

Taking your fitness to the next level - at home

When I mention to friends that I do most of my workouts at home, they often tell me that they prefer to go to the gym. They’ll mention the social part of gym membership – the fact that it’s easier to force yourself work out if you know that someone’s waiting to meet you. I can’t disagree – I like working out with other people. It’s fun to take group classes, then hit the coffee shop afterwards to catch up.

But here’s the downside – most people only get to the gym 2-3 times a week. They might intend to go work out every day – and I know there are people who do. But people get busy, classes get cancelled, and things come up which can make it impossible to carve out 2 hours every day for the gym (travel time, workout, cool-down, shower, etc.)

While it’s possible to maintain a basic level of fitness working out a couple of times a week, it is often not enough to achieve the kind of results that many people hope for- reaching their ideal weight, creating defined, sculpted arms, and even finding those long-buried abs.

Achieving a high level of fitness requires careful attention to nutrition and a regular, non-negotiable exercise program, 5-6 days a week. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean that you have to jump around your living room for 1+ hours a day. Today you can choose from a wide range of 25-30 minute workouts that will build endurance, develop muscle definition and keep you in fighting form.

For me, hitting the gym or a class is a bonus. It’s something I do in addition to my scheduled daily workout. For me, these home workouts are non-negotiable. They ensure that I stay strong and flexible, can wear all the clothes in my closet and am able to take on any physical challenge I choose. They make it easy for me to get in 3+ hours of high quality exercise every week, without leaving the house. I’ve got my body back, and now I know how to maintain it.

1 comment:

  1. THanks for the blog laura! This was good, coming from someone who absolutely relies on that social aspect, I admit it was a chore for me to start working out at home.. but then I saw how much time that left me, and how I didn't have to put mascara on to jump around in front of the tele, what a bonus I learned! You have given me a great push.. Thanks a lot!
