Friday, October 4, 2013

Why do people gain weight in the first place?

Everyone knows that there's an obesity epidemic in the United States. Walk through any shopping mall or airport in America, and the evidence is as plain as day.

One common view is that obese people are lazy, that they'd rather lounge in front of the TV with a pizza box and a beer than get off their duff and exercise. OK - no doubt there are a few people like that in the world - you can always find one or two people to cram into a general stereotype. But in the vast majority of cases I reject that view. Don't get me wrong - at the end of the day, you have to take personal responsibility for your health, find the time to exercise and make healthy food choices. Yet typically, people who struggle with their weight aren't lazy at all. There are a lot of factors at play which can lead down the path to obsesity - I'm going to talk about two which have impacted me personally.


A lot of people gain weight because they have a million-and-one tasks they have to do each day. No matter the reason - kids, career, juggling multiple jobs, health challenges or a combination of things -  stress stops people from taking time out for themselves. These people are the opposite of lazy - if you're working two jobs, or balancing career and family, or running around all day chasing the kids, it's hard to find the energy to schedule that workout.  If you work late, it's hard to wake up early and miss out on precious sleep.

When lost in the fog of a stressful schedule and overall fatigue, it's almost impossible to accept the fact that exercise ultimately gives you more energy - not less - to cope with the challenges of the day. I freely admit that I fell into that trap, which was why I had 25 pounds to lose when I finally got my act together. I wasn't lazy - I was working, juggling three kids and managing a household. But by denying my body its daily exercise, I allowed my stress to build up - which sometimes made me a grouchy mom and wife. By carving out time for myself and devoting it to exercise, I'm better able to to handle my day to day challenges because I feel confident in my own skin, and I have the energy I need to tackle each day. Once you make a commitment to fitness, the sky's the limit!


This is my nemesis. Over the years, I became a big fan of seconds. When you live in the US, the world is stacked against you in this regard. Want to eat some cereal for breakfast? Don't eat more than a handful, otherwise you'll accidentally eat a 700 calorie breakfast. Want a Caesar salad for lunch? You can easily consume up to 1,000 calories.

It takes a lot of work to figure out what you're eating. Never forget - the calories listed on a package often undershoot (by a lot) the amount of an average serving.  A lot of folks simply don't realize how many calories they're eating - even if they read the nutritional information.

It's important to avoid processed foods as much as possible, so that you know exactly what you're putting into your body. If you have a busy schedule, cook on the weekends and freeze food ahead of time, Learn to love the slow cooker and make healthy stews and casseroles. Keep lots of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand. And when you serve yourself dinner, keep it to one plate.


At the end of the day, we're each responsible for our own health and fitness. But it's important not to blame people when they've fallen off the fitness wagon. There's a lot of temptation out there, and a lot of ways to lose focus on staying in shape. Feeling guilty about weight gain is a tremendous waste of energy, and can drain away the motivation you need to make good choices about the future. Take time to find the right workout program for you, make a commitment to follow your chosen workout schedule, and focus on making healthy food choices as you reclaim your health. Some days will be easier than others - and if you veer off track, don't spend any time feeling guilty. Just brush yourself off and recommit to your program. If you'd like to find the right fitness program and aren't sure where to turn, don't hesitate to contact me - I'll be happy to help match you with the perfect Beachbody workout.


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