Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Starting a fitness program, and knowing where things stand...

I've been leading a fitness accountability group on the Team Beachbody website, with a focus on the Focus T25 workout. I first launched the group in August, and while there's been some turnover we have a strong core of about 20 committed people, with new members joining every day.

In the past few days there has been a lot of discussion of exercise modifications. One of the great strengths of T25 are the modifiers which are demonstrated for every exercise. This means that the program is accessible to a wide range of people with a variety of fitness levels.
One point that I constantly make is the importance of exercising within your current fitness level. You need to start with your current physical conditioning in mind, rather than the  condition you wish you were in (or used to be in, for that matter). Otherwise, you put yourself at risk of injury (there's no quicker way to derail a fitness plan) or a quick burnout.

Some people's bodies simply don't react well to high-impact work. In that case, modification is the right call. Can't do 10 push-ups? Do as many as you can with good form, them modify to increase the number of reps. When agility drills trip you up, slow the pace down to get the footwork right. Speed will come in time, but good form is key to improvement.

My point is, embrace the shape you're in. You can't wish it away - you can only work off any extra weight through healthy eating and an appropriate exercise program. If you persevere, you will see results. In my Focus T25 group, we've seen some impressive results. Most of these people are using modifications, and everyone is focused on using good form. They've achieved these results by accepting where things stood, then digging deep to take their fitness to the next level.

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