Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pushing through soreness (not pain)

As promised, I did a double workout this morning to catch up with my T25 schedule - Cardio followed by Total Body Circuit. After two rounds of Insanity, I'm no stranger to doing longer workouts. But Total Body Circuit is tough for me, so doing it back to back with cardio was tough. My shoulders and arms are the weakest part of my body, so all the planks, plank walks and push ups are a real challenge. Plus, when I woke up this morning I was sore - my shoulders, my hips and my knees all chimed in to remind me that I'm not used to hauling around furniture and boxes. I really would have liked to stay in bed, I know how important it is to push through soreness, to ignore discomfort (not pain!) and get the next day's workout in. This really helps with the recovery process and gets the muscles used to doing hard work. So I pushed through and finished the workout. But, when it comes to pushing through the soreness, today I realized that I have to be extra careful with form. For example, forward lunges - it's a very basic move - step forward, sink into a lunge, then return to standing position. But today, if I let my hips get out of line and didn't keep my body balanced in the center, my hips started feeling strained. Once I focused on keeping my center of gravity correctly balanced during the lunge, the discomfort in my hips went away. After that, I kept my focus on form and everything went fine. So tomorrow morning is a new day. We continued moving stuff around and unpacking today, so I'm sure I'll be good and stiff in the morning for Lower Body Focus. But I'll get it done, and stay focused on proper form to avoid injury... Laura Twitter: @laurat

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